Cloud Services and Deployment Model used by OpenShift Leave a comment

Cloud Services and Deployment Model used by OpenShift

Cloud Services and Deployment Model used by OpenShift


The importance and acceptability of Cloud Services and Cloud Computing Technology in the industry is continuously on the increase and has ultimately fulfilled many promises of dynamic resource allocation capabilities, increased performance and provision of credible avenues for organizations to outsource even entire IT infrastructure in a cost saving pay-per-use model as offered by many public cloud providers.

The major cloud service models include IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS though notwithstanding the existence of other service models like HPC/Grid as a Service, Data Analytics as a Service etc. The configuration of various cloud environment parameters like (accessibility, storage size, proprietorship, etc.), in other to satisfy some range of requirements can be perceived as cloud deployment model. A public, private, hybrid and community models differ quite significantly and are amongst the four most frequently used cloud deployment models. Other none widespread deployment models includes virtual private, inter-cloud, etc.

The Cloud Services and Deployment Models Used By OpenShift

Keung and Kwok’s insight on cloud deployment model selection assessment (2012) insinuated that insufficient IT technical expertise and knowledge on various cloud technologies in many enterprises resultantly leads to encountering difficulties whilst deciding on the cloud service to be adopted. After several vast complicated analysis and considerations, Openshift uses Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud service model on a Private cloud deployment model to optimally utilize the benefits of cloud environment and offer its services to the public.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Essentially, this type of cloud service models allows the provision of hardware and software tools over the internet, thereby allowing its subscribers (mostly developers) to utilize these tools for application development. Hence provides the runtime environment for applications, development and deployment tools.

Private Cloud Deployment Model

Soni et al., analysis on deployment model selection (2013) emphasized on the immense inevitable responsibilities of supporting end-user productivity, including corporate data protection. Whilst creating Private Clouds within the corporate firewall; these responsibilities becomes the major driving factor which then offer higher security and privacy unlike a public cloud model.

Benefits Accrued to OpenShift from Utilizing A Cloud-Based System

Utilization of a cloud-based system attracted the following benefits to OpenShit and its subscribers:

  1. Automatic scalability of resources based on load.
  2. On demand resource provisioning and release.
  3. Reduction in capital expenditure and proper control over business-related expenses.
  4. Possibility of cost saving pay-as-you-go model.
  5. Highly improved overall process efficiency, flexibility and reliability.

Service and Deployment Model Aspects giving Comparative and Competitive Advantage to OpenShift

Comparatively, limited scope of resources on traditional computer does not satisfy instant, unlimited and ubiquitous resources. (Sharma, 2017). Unlike public cloud, private cloud ensures accessibility of resources over security enhanced network. “OpenShift customers have shorter application development cycles, and deliver better quality software, with greater adoption among their users.” (Red Hat, Inc., 2019). It is essential to leverage the wider possibilities of any chosen cloud service model so as not to underutilize its benefits; including flexibility and efficiency which ultimately pushes every business growth.


Keung, J. and Kwok, F. (2012) ‘Cloud Deployment Model Selection Assessment for SMEs: Renting or Buying a Cloud’, IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 1(11), pp. 21 – 28. doi: 10.1109/UCC.2012.29.

Sharma, K. (2017) ‘An alleviated model for private cloud deployment using VMware’, International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC), 1(8), pp. 1 – 3. doi: 10.1109/ICOMICON.2017.8279164.

Soni, M., Namjoshi, J. and Pillai, S. (2013) ‘Robustness and Oppurtuneness based Approach for Cloud Deployment Model Selection’, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 1(8), pp. 207 – 212. doi: 10.1109/ICACCI.2013.6637172. Red Hat, Inc. (2019) Accelerate application delivery. Available at: (Accessed: 23 March 2019).

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